Training is like Archery

Photo by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels

Training is like archery...said no one ever.

But I like to be unique.

So I compared training to archery. 😅

How is training like archery?

Well, you need a target.

And how do you set a target?

You have to define clear expectations.

How do you define clear expectations?

I've given you some ideas in this video: What Training and Archery Have in Common.

If you're ready to set clear expectations for your staff, ask yourself these questions:

  • What actions do you need people to take?

  • Why? How do these actions support your organization’s strategies?

  • How are these actions different than what people are doing currently?

  • What will it take for staff to perform these actions – that is, are these actions supported by stronger functional skills, leadership skills, or cultural competency?

And if you want someone to guide you through the process, let's chat.


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