Three Easy Hacks to Improve Performance Immediately

You want your staff to perform well. You have an amazing mission, and you need a fully functioning, high-performing team to make an impact. But sometimes, our teams just aren’t meeting expectations, and we need a quick and easy hack to get them back on track.

Recently, I was speaking to a nonprofit leader who had taken on an interim executive director role. Her team was struggling with unclear expectations - they didn’t have job descriptions - and some cultural competency concerns.

My heart hurt for her as she described the situation. She wanted so badly to support her team and see them succeed, but she wasn’t sure where to start. That feeling overwhelm had set in, and it was hard to see what her next steps should be.

When I reflect on that call, I see some immediate steps that can be taken. Maybe you are in a similar situation. Maybe your staff are struggling to work together, to stay on task, to even know where to focus their time and energy.

It’s not too late for a reset.

Watch this short video for some easy-to-implement tips to improve performance immediately.

Note that you also need to remove barriers, but that's a much longer conversation for a different day. For now, focus on these quick wins.

And if you want support identifying the root causes of your staff challenges and creating custom solutions to improve performance, let’s chat.


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